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the complete guide to growth hacking!
[Originally Published at Eris Magazine]
So Gabriel Roberts asked me to write something about police brutality, and I told him I needed a few days to get my head in order. The problem being that, with this particular topic, the longer I wait on this, the longer I want to wait on this, until, eventually, the avoidance becomes easier than the approach by several orders of magnitude.
Part of this is that I’m trying to think of something new worth saying, because I’ve already talked about these conditions, over at A Future Worth Thinking About. We talked about this in “On The Invisible Architecture of Bias,” “Any Sufficiently Advanced Police State…,” “On the Moral, Legal, and Social Implications of the Rearing and Development of Nascent Machine Intelligences,” and most recently in “On the European Union’s “Electronic Personhood” Proposal.“ In these articles, I briefly outlined the history of systemic bias within many human social structures, and the possibility and likelihood of that bias translating into our technological advancements, such as algorithmic learning systems, use of and even access to police body camera footage, and the development of so-called artificial intelligence.
Long story short, the endemic nature of implicit bias in society as a whole plus the even more insular Us-Vs-Them mentality within the American prosecutorial legal system plus the fact that American policing was literally borne out of slavery on the work of groups like the KKK, equals a series of interlocking systems in which people who are not whitepassing, not male-perceived, not straight-coded, not “able-bodied” (what we can call white supremacist, ableist, heteronormative, patriarchal hegemony, but we’ll just use the acronym WSAHPH, because it satisfyingly recalls that bro-ish beer advertising campaign from the late 90’s and early 2000’s.) stand a far higher likelihood of dying at the hands of agents of that system.
Read the Rest of Cops, Drones & The Fundamentally Inhuman Status of Minority, originally published on A Future Worth Thinking About.
Another one I originally Posted at Eris Mag.
I recently watched and have been spending some time with the semiotics of the video and Super Bowl halftime performance of Beyoncé’s “FORMATION.” And if that statement makes you snicker, then YOU NEED TO SPEND SOME TIME WITH THE SEMIOTICS OF THESE PERFORMANCES.
There have already been thinkpieces on this in Vox, the Guardian, The Washington Post, and many influential unaffiliated blogs, and rightly so. They’ve all variously and collectively discussed the connection of the visuals and clips used to the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the current work of the Black Lives Matter movement, and the deeply feminist message that Beyoncé has been working to build for the past several years. What most of them don’t do, however, is recognise that she’s not only invoking these images and themes to use for her own ends, she’s evoking them. She’s conjuring the truth of a particular perspective into being. Beyoncé has created an act of magic, here.
Read the Rest of The Magick Act of Beyoncé, originally published on A Future Worth Thinking About.
I wrote this piece over a year ago for Eris Magazine, but they have since dissolved. I wanted to make sure it still existed, somewhere.
What is The Real?
I have been working on this piece for a little more than a month, since just after Christmas. What with one thing, and another, I kept refining it while, every week, it seemed more and more pertinent and timely. You see, we need to talk about ontology.
Ontology is an aspect of metaphysics, the word translating literally to “the study of what exists.” Connotatively, we might rather say, “trying to figure out what’s real.” Ontology necessarily intersects with studies of knowledge and studies of value, because in order to know what’s real you have to understand what tools you think are valid for gaining knowledge, and you have to know whether knowledge is even something you can attain, as such.
Read the rest of On Truth, Values, Knowledge, and Identity in 2017 and Beyond, originally published on A Future Worth Thinking About
Finally finish writing this thing that I started writing in the last Technoccult Newsletter of last year.
Maybe it’ll be helpful.
On Friday, I needed to do a thread of a thing, so if you hate threads and you were waiting until I collected it, here it is.
But this originally needed to be done in situ. It needed to be a serialized and systematized intervention and imposition into the machinery of that particular flow of time. That day…
Read or Listen to the rest of On Shielding (Audio & Text), originally published on A Future Worth Thinking About
everything you needed to know about growth hacking
the complete guide to growth hacking!
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how you can get CNN and Wikipedia back links for as little as three dollars
The company behind Trump’s online ad campaign as well as Brexit Leave ( led by Nigel Farage) is Cambridge Analytica. It uses psychometrics to ‘measure’ tendencies among individuals and groups through their digital traces. Specifically what you like on Facebook.
Cambridge Analytica’s parent company - SCL or Strategic Communications Laboratories - uses psychometrics for psychological manipulation and behavioral change communication. The business structure conducts “political upheavals in developing countries; others had done work for NATO, developing methods for the psychological manipulation of the population in Afghanistan.”
For those who know me know that I work with analytics, algorithms and the intersection of technology and society (society in the holistic people-oriented sense, not cloistered enclaves). I’ve been talking about this for so long; how Big Data has played a massive role in emboldening the most unhinged forms of fascism in society and how Silicon Valley is one of the places to blame.
Of course, when a woman says something like this, the go-to reaction among tech folks is to label her hysterical and brush her doubts aside by telling her that she is too ‘emotional’ to discuss and analyze technology’s role in politics and governance.
Among those to mock my thoughts were upper class white men who hide their lack of empathy under the guise of ‘rationalism,’ middle class white men who buy waifu pillows on Amazon and yell at minorities online via anonymous Twitter accounts, and South/East Asian men who’ve made it big in SF and feel the need to parrot their white peers’ ways so as to avoid being called betas. It’s a pretty sad sight all in all.
But this is a truly terrifying read on how psychometrics and data-driven communications played an integral role in fascism and Trump’s victory through online marketing and micro-targeting using the O.C.E.A.N. method.
Science on how Big Data Analytics get used to manipulate what you believe, think, and do.
These are good, too: